Well not a stellar day at the point especially considering the day Joe had yesterday. Only four countable raptors and we got rained out around noon.
Swainson’s Hawk 2
Swallow-tailed Kite 2 (very distant)
When we arrived at 8:00 there were Dickcissels and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers flying around everywhere. Those gnatcatchers are brave souls taking out across the bay like they do. Especially compared to a big old Broad-winged Hawk that’s afraid to cross the water! Tad had a flock of about 60 Wood Storks that I missed because I was off taking care of trailer stuff. There was an Olive-sided Flycatcher hanging out nearby. I took a quick walk of the northeast motte and found a Chuck-will’s-widow along with a million mosquitos. After the first rainstorm ended four or five Eastern Kingbirds and a Great Crested Flycatcher landed in the closest group of trees. And there were at least five hummingbirds partaking of the feeders. Then it started to rain again in earnest and the radar looked bad so we bagged it. Bob returns tomorrow to resume the normal count. Even when it’s raining, it’s still relaxing at Smith Point!
posted by Susan Heath