Bob reports 389 migrating raptors today.
Broad-winged Hawk 272
Red-tailed Hawk 8
Swainson’s Hawk 7
Red-shouldered Hawk 2
White-tailed Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk 16
Cooper’s Hawk 15
Turkey Vulture 36
Black Vulture 8
American Kestrel 4
Peregrine Falcon 2
Merlin 1
Osprey 2
Northern Harrier 14
Bald Eagle 1
Lot of nice passerines today. 5 Nashville Warbler, 1 Orange-crowned Warbler, some Indigo Buntings, a Red-breasted Nuthatch, 2 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, 1 Sedge Wren, 1 House Wren, and a couple Wood Storks. Great day!