Joe reports one lone Cooper’s Hawk for the day. Other birds seen but not counted included two Turkey Vultures, five Black Vultures, one young Cooper’s Hawk, one Broad-winged Hawk, and four White-tailed Hawks. Lots of rain again but only one small storm required tower abandonment. A big alligator walked out of the pond and headed across the parking lot to the bay. Yikes! Other migrants included Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (it has begun!), Upland Sandpiper, White-winged Dove, Eastern Kingbird, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Wood Stork, Magnificant Frigatebird, White Ibis, Yellow Warbler and Dickcissel. Lots of swallow early in the day too.
The Smith Point Hawk Watch is funded entirely through donations and grants. If you would like to make a contribution, you can do so on our website. We appreciate the support very much!