Tad reports no migrating raptors today. Intermittent rain all day. There were at least 50 hummingbirds at the feeders during the rain and loads of passerines in the woods including Orchard Oriole, Blue Grosbeak, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and a group of seven Eastern Kingbirds. Entertaining was a raccoon who decided to check out the tower until he saw Tad on top at which point it immediately turned and fled for the woods! No visitors. Also interesting were the dueling Great Horned Owls calling at midday.
The Smith Point Hawk Watch is funded entirely through donations and grants. We have received a number of donations! Thank you! We are about 1/5 of the way to full funding. If you would like to make a contribution, you can do so on our website. We appreciate the support very much!