Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/17/18 (6903 raptors)


Bob reports 6903 migrating raptors today.

Broad-winged Hawk 6370
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk 4
Cooper’s Hawk 3
Mississippi Kite 513
Swallow-tailed Kite 1
Peregrine Falcon 3
Merlin 1
Osprey 2
Northern Harrier 4

Other birds of note: 4 young White-tailed Hawks circling around late in the day.

Lots of help today! Thanks everyone!

The Smith Point Hawk Watch is funded entirely through donations and grants. We have received a number of donations! Thank you! We are about 1/5 of the way to full funding. If you would like to make a contribution, you can do so on our website. We appreciate the support very much!
