Bob reports 733 migrating raptors today.
Broad-winged Hawk 523
Red-tailed Hawk 5
Swainson’s Hawk 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk 117
Cooper’s Hawk 30
Unidentified Accipiter 2
Mississippi Kite 19
Black Vulture 15
American Kestrel 4
Peregrine Falcon 1
Merlin 1
Osprey 1
Northern Harrier 12
Bald Eagle 2
Cin-ty Lee brought a geology group from Rice to visit today and there was a family from Denmark that was a great help!
We had a great photography workshop at GCBO today with Kevin Karlson and we will have an in the field workshop tomorrow at Smith Point. If you missed your chance to sign up and want to join us come on out. You can pay the $80 registration fee on site.
The Smith Point Hawk Watch is funded entirely through donations and grants. We have received a number of donations! Thank you! We still need additional funding however. If you would like to make a contribution, you can do so on our website. We appreciate the support very much!