John and Lynn Wright report 112 migrating raptors today.
Broad-winged Hawk 14
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Swainson’s Hawk 2
Cooper’s Hawk 1
Osprey 1
Mississippi Kite 90
Swallow-tailed Kite 3
Local raptors included Black and Turkey Vultures, 2 Cooper’s Hawks, 1 Red-shouldered Hawk and 2 Crested Caracaras. Thunder started the count and they weren’t very hopeful for the day. As it turned out, there were some raptors (and some great hawk watchers) willing head over to Smith Point in spite of off-and-on rain. The winds started out of the NE, then shifted to the E, and then to the SE. Temps were in the low to mid 80’s and made for a very comfortable day. Other birds include 2 Magnificent Frigate Birds, lots of White Ibis (juvenile & adults) and Brown Pelicans, Anhinga, and several Kingbirds. Our own Marvin Masters helped out as well as a bunch from the Sylvan Beach spring hawk watch which John and Lynn coordinate. Sylvan Beachers included Jeff Laughlin, Gene Fisseler, Patty Trimingham, Nathan Veatch, Cindy Saxenian, Candace Annen, Mark Carter and Diane Humes. Thanks all and welcome to Smith Point!