Bob reports 949 migrating raptors today.
Turkey Vulture 71
Osprey 3
Mississippi Kite 5
Northern Harrier 6
Sharp-shinned Hawk 84
Cooper’s Hawk 55
Unidentified Accipiter 1
Bald Eagle 1 (subadult 1)
Broad-winged Hawk 642
Swainson’s Hawk 1
American Kestrel 76
Merlin 3
Peregrine Falcon 2
The wind started out ESE and switched to SE at noon. Most of the falcon arrives between 3:00 and 5:00. Two Merlins spent some time in an aerial disagreement and one of the Peregrine Falcons decided it didn’t like the Great Blue Herons standing along the bay edge and swooped down to run them off. Why? Because they can!