Bob reports 56 migrating raptors today.
Turkey Vulture 30
Northern Harrier 2
Bald Eagle 6
Broad-winged Hawk 7
Swainson’s Hawk 1
Red-tailed Hawk 7
American Kestrel 2
Merlin 1
The wind was strong out of the NNW all day but two Wood Storks decided today was the day to move and they flew over the tower. Possibly the latest ones there ever. Joe Kennedy, Marvin Masters, Veda Hackell, Sara Harrison, Linda Hoffman, and Dave and Jan Hanson came to say goodbye to Bob today. The last day’s crew is pictured above minus Sara Harrison who took the photo. Thanks everyone! The totals for the season are below but first I’d like to thank the volunteers that did the count on Tuesdays so Bob could have a day off.
Winnie Burkett
Tad Finnell
Joe Kennedy
John and Lynn Wright
We couldn’t have done it without you!
Black Vulture 134
Turkey Vulture 3072
Osprey 46
Bald Eagle 46 (new record)
Norther Harrier 386
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1967
Cooper’s Hawk 930
Red-shouldered Hawk 25
Broad-winged Hawk 54,595
Red-tailed Hawk 137
Swainson’s Hawk 206
White-tailed Hawk 7
Harris’s Hawk 2
American Kestrel 838
Merlin 69
Peregrine Falcon 43
Mississippi Kite 6,595
Swallow-tailed Kite 142
White-tailed Kite 4
unidentified Accipiter 5
unidentified Buteo 1
total 69,250