Bob reports 4495 migrating raptors today.
Mississippi Kite 61
Northern Harrier 8
Sharp-shinned Hawk 318
Cooper’s Hawk 68
Bald Eagle 3
White-tailed Hawk 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 1
Broad-winged Hawk 4001
Swainson’s Hawk 8
Red-tailed Hawk 3
American Kestrel 6
Merlin 7
Peregrine Falcon 9
A great north wind day! Scissor-tailed Flycatchers put in a good showing for the first time, stacking up on the wires as they head south. Another flock of white pelicans (22) also. Marcy Brown, Veda Hackell, Tom Gracinin, and Dave Hanson helped out today.