Bob reports 4086 migrating raptors today.
Black Vulture 67
Turkey Vulture 3143
Northern Harrier 45
Sharp-shinned Hawk 38
Cooper’s Hawk 76
Bald Eagle 15
White-tailed Hawk 1
Red-shouldered Hawk 3
Broad-winged Hawk 612
Swainson’s Hawk 37
Red-tailed Hawk 43
American Kestrel 5
Peregrine Falcon 1
A nice north wind all day long. Another dark Broad-winged Hawk passed the tower but the highlight was a Red-tailed Hawk that captured what I believe is a Northern Harrier! Another Red-tailed Hawk came and attacked the first one trying to steal the prey which was dropped. The tower watchers couldn’t tell what happened after that. Wow! Joe Kennedy, Veda Hackell and Marvin Masters helped out today. The photo is by Tom Wiener who was visiting the hawk watch today.