Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/9/17 (1 raptor)

Bob reports only one migrating hawk today, a Swainson’s Hawk. Local birds included a White-tailed Hawk and a Cooper’s Hawk. Persistent south winds with some rain retarded the flight again today.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/7/17 (2 raptors)

Bob reports 2 Swallow-tailed Kites as the only migrants today. The birds of the day were five Black Terns that cruised by early in the morning. Strong south winds retarded the flight again today.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/5/17 (1 raptor)

Joe manned the count today and reports one migrating raptor – a female American Kestrel which beat the early record by a week. Locals included 1 Swainson’s Hawk, 1 Osprey and 1 immature Red-shouldered Hawk. There were good numbers of white ibis and the gnatcatcher show began with a few passing by the tower. About 25 frigatebirds came by along … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/4/17 (3 raptors)

Bob reports 3 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 1 Swainson’s Hakw 1 Mississippi Kite 1 Also a cool Pileated Woodpecker and a beautiful adult White-tailed Hawk and a juvenile White-tailed Hawk for comparison.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/3/17 (17 raptors)

Bob reports a good day with multiple migrants! Swainson’s Hawk 2 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Swallow-tailed Kite 14 (nice!) Also a group of 13 Roseate Spoonbills and 31 Wood Storks. Come on out to the point and check things out!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/2/17 (1 raptor)

Bob reports 1 migrating Peregrine Falcon today. He also had a single Purple Martin. The best news is that he got to go see the Jabiru that has been on Pear Orchard Road near Anahuac NWR. Now he awaits it’s passage by Smith Point!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/1/17 (1 raptor)

It’s time folks! The hawk watch is up and running as of today. Bob is back because he just can’t get enough of the Texas heat (and the frigatebirds and the broad-wings and the… well you get the drift). Just one migrant today, a single Red-shouldered Hawk but Bob was entertained by 16 Magnificent Frigatebirds at once and some local … Read More

Oystercatcher Diaries 2017: Field Week 16

By Susan Heath I finally made it back out to East Matagorda Bay on Monday. The weather was not optimal with many rain storms in the area and ordinarily I would have passed on the trip but this was the only day it was possible. Since I’ve missed so many trips out there and my volunteers were game, we decided … Read More

Oystercatcher Diaries 2017: Field Week 15

By Susan Heath I wasn’t able to make it out to East Matagorda Bay last week due to boat issues and weather. This week because of the impending arrival of Tropical Storm Cindy we had to get out to West Galveston Bay on Monday to band some chicks and the Fish & Wildlife boat was not available on Tuesday so … Read More

Oystercatcher Diaries 2017: Field Week 14

By Susan Heath Once again we had to scrap our trip to East Matagorda Bay because of weather. I sure hope I can get out there next week. On Thursday, I checked out West Galveston Bay and Swan Lake with John Wright, Alan Wilde, and Amanda Hackney. Our goal was to head up to the Swan Lake area and get … Read More