Project Partners:

American Bird Conservancy


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Coastal Program

Project Abstract:

GCBO has teamed up with American Bird Conservancy to monitor wintering Piping Plovers, Red Knots, and Snowy Plovers in Brazoria County. The project focuses on identifying sensitive areas that provide foraging and resting habitat for these birds during the non-breeding season. The project also entails protecting sensitive areas by posting symbolic fencing to prevent vehicular and human disturbance that may influence these species survival during the winter. Public outreach and education is also performed to inform the public about wintering shorebirds in Texas. We are also re-sighting color bands on all species to gain information on survival, movement patterns, and site fidelity of individuals. The goal of the program is to work with local land managers to develop shorebird management plans that maintain and/or grow these species populations. ABC and GCBO co-sponsored a shorebird technician to conduct the surveys, implement protective measures, and perform public outreach about wintering shorebirds.

For more information about the project or to get involved, please contact Rebecca Bracken.