Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/23/19 (29 raptors)

Bob reports 29 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 12 Cooper’s Hawk 1 American Kestrel 6 Northern Harrier 7 Bald Eagle 1 Strong south winds kept the flight down today. Highlights were a Pied-billed Grebe and lots of Scissor-tailed Flycatchers.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/22/19 (269 raptors)

John reports 269 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 112 Red-tailed Hawk 13 Swainson’s Hawk 10 Red-shouldered Hawk 3 Sharp-shinned Hawk 11 Cooper’s Hawk 12 Mississippi Kite 3 Turkey Vulture 92 Black Vulture 5 American Kestrel 6 Northern Harrier 2 Also 53 Anhinga, 26 Sandhill Cranes, over 300 American White Pelicans with one Wood Stork trying to hide among them.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/21/19 (348 raptors)

Bob report 348 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 250 Red-tailed Hawk 4 Swainson’s Hawk 4 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 White-tailed Hawk 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Mississippi Kite 3 Turkey Vulture 69 American Kestrel 1 Merlin 1 Northern Harrier 6 Got a late start because of the rain. Birds began arriving around 1:00.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/20/19 (111 raptors)

Bob reports 111 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 70 Red-tailed Hawk 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 13 Cooper’s Hawk 6 Mississippi Kite 4 American Kestrel 8 Merlin 1 Northern Harrier 7 Nothing else to report except it was another good day for dolphins!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/19/19 (1872 raptors)

Bob reports 1872 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 1549 Red-tailed Hawk 5 Swainson’s Hawk 19 Sharp-shinned Hawk 17 Cooper’s Hawk 12 Mississippi Kite 1 Turkey Vulture 230 Black Vulture 7 American Kestrel 24 Northern Harrier 7 Bald Eagle 1 Also 90 American White Pelicans, 1 Wood Stork, 1 Rufous Hummingbird, and 9 Bottlenose Dolphins!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/18/19 (782 raptors)

Bob reports 782 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 700 Red-tailed Hawk 5 Swainson’s Hawk 20 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 7 Cooper’s Hawk 14 Mmississippi Kite 3 American Kestrel 6 Peregrine Falcon 1 Merlin 1 Northern Harrier 24 Other birds included 65 American White Pelicans and a Wood Stork hanging out with some Turkey Vultures.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/17/19 (146 raptors)

Bob reports 146 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 103 Sharp-shinned Hawk 10 Cooper’s Hawk 6 Mississippi Kite 4 American Kestrel 4 Peregrine Falcon 1 Merlin 3 Northern Harrier 13 Bald Eagle 2 (both juveniles) 80 Wood Storks was quite a surprise today. Also noted were 20 American White Pelicans and 15 Cedar Waxwings. Bill Kleinpeter helped out today.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/16/19 (4 raptors)

Bob reports only 4 migrating raptors today. Cooper’s Hawk 1 American Kestrel 1 Merlin 1 Osprey 1 It was low overcast with drizzle most of the day but the wind switched to the north midday. Hopefully that will bring a better day tomorrow. There were a number of other birds to keep folks entertained though. A Whooping Crane flew by, … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/15/19 (14 raptors)

Bob reports 14 migrating raptors today. Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 Cooper’s Hawk 1 American Kestrel 4 Merlin 1 Northern Harrier 4 Bald Eagle 1 There just wasn’t much happening today. Linda Hoffman helped with the count and Martin Hagne, GCBO Executive Director, replaced the railing on the stairway to Bob’s heaven.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/14/19 (5 raptors)

Nina Sitra and Mark Swanson report 5 migrating raptors today. Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Peregrine Falcon 1 It started raining midday and that closed the count for the day. Marvin Masters also helped out today. Lots of passerine migration happening just no raptors!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/13/19 (364 raptors)

Bob reports 364 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 178 Red-tailed Hawk 4 Swainson’s Hawk 2 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 28 Cooper’s Hawk 34 Mississippi Kite 5 White-tailed Kite 1 Turkey Vulture 82 American Kestrel 19 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 7 Bald Eagle 2 Lots of Scissor-tailed Flycatchers putting quite a show all around the tower and 47 American White … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/12/19 (906 raptors)

Broad-winged Hawk 709 Red-tailed Hawk 4 Swainson’s Hawk 8 Red-shouldered Hawk 3 White-tailed Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 83 Cooper’s Hawk 24 American Kestrel 16 Peregrine Falcon 1 Mississippi Kite 6 Turkey Vulture 38 Osprey 2 Bald Eagle 4 Northern Harrier 7 Poor showing for a cold front day! Joe Kennedy and Veda Haskell helped out today.