Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/26/16 (123 raptors)

Still raptors heading through but the bird of the day was a Western Kingbird. Broad-winged Hawk 60 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 10 Cooper’s Hawk 11 Small accipiter 2 Turkey Vulture 32 American Kestrel 5 Peregrine Falcon 1 Northern Harrier 1

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/25/16 (133 raptors)

A shortened day due to a flat tire that needed to be repaired! Broad-winged Hawk 70 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 14 Cooper’s Hawk 12 Turkey Vulture 23 American Kestrel 8 Merlin 1 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 3

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/24/16 (408 raptors)

Another decent day. Thought I’d show off Bob’s new chair today. Broad-winged Hawk 346 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 23 Cooper’s Hawk 11 American Kestrel 21 Northern Harrier 6

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/23/16 (276 raptors)

Another decent day but no black-hawk. Seems likely that is migrated south (or somewhere) yesterday. Broad-winged Hawk 175 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 32 Cooper’s Hawk 18 Turkey Vulture 17 American Kestrel 16 Merlin 1 Northern Harrier 15

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/22/16 (466 raptors)

A fine, fine day! Lots of birds and great company at the watch. The Common Black-Hawk did not disappoint. At about 10:30 it rose up out of the south motte and circled right over the tower before heading off towards the north. It was not seen again so we can only assume it headed across the bay. Broad-winged Hawk 351 … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/21/16 (732 raptors)

The cold front did not disappoint! A great day and a new species for the count – an adult Common Black-Hawk! Bald Eagle 1 Common Black-Hawk 1 Broad-winged Hawk 296 Red-tailed Hawk 5 Swainson’s Hawk 24 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 White-tailed Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 128 Cooper’s Hawk 89 Turkey Vulture 140 American Kestrel 21 Peregrine Falcon 2 Merlin 1 Osprey … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/20/16 (22 raptors)

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…. Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 Cooper’s Hawk 2 Turkey Vulture 12 American Kestrel 1 Peregrine Falcon 2 Northern Harrier 1 Bob reports the winds shifted this afternoon so tomorrow should be great. He is really enjoying his new chair Gary and Denise! Thank you so much for supporting our great hawk watcher with such a wonderful gift!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/19/16 (164 raptors)

Still waitin’ on that cold front! Broad-winged Hawk 33 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 57 Cooper’s Hawk 20 Mississippi Kite 1 Turkey Vulture 33 American Kestrel 8 Peregrine Falcon 2 Northern Harrier 8

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/18/16 (167 raptors)

A better day but we are still waiting on that cold front. Broad-winged Hawk 46 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 30 Cooper’s Hawk 15 Mississippi Kite 2 White-tailed Kite 1 Turkey Vulture 49 Black Vulture 13 American Kestrel 5 Peregrine Falcon 1 Merlin 1 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 2

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/17/16 (66 raptors)

Another slow day but come Thursday or Friday…. Broad-winged Hawk 6 Red-tailed Hawk 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 31 Cooper’s Hawk 12 Mississippi Kite 12 Peregrine Falcon 2 Northern Harrier 1

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/16/16 (65 raptors)

Darn those south winds. Broad-winged Hawk 4 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 34 Cooper’s Hawk 14 Unidentified Accipter 2 American Kestrel 6 Peregrine Falcon 3 Northern Harrier 1

Smith Point Hawk Watch 10/15/16 (294 raptors)

A promising start that was snuffed out by strong south winds. Looking forward to the big cold front next week. Broad-winged Hawk 217 Sharp-shinned Hawk 37 Cooper’s Hawk 23 American Kestrel 8 Peregrine Falcon 2 Merlin 2 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 4