The Oystercatcher Diaries 2015: Field Week 9

By Susan Heath The season is winding down folks! On Monday I was joined by Alan Wilde, Tim Long, and Scott Buckel, all Galveston Bay Area Master Naturalists. We checked […]

Herons of High Fashion

by Chris Eberly Herons and egrets have always been at the center of fashion. In the early 1900’s, they were killed by the thousands so their flashy breeding plumes could […]

The Oystercatcher Diaries 2015: Field Week 6

By Susan Heath Another field week has passed and there’s lots to tell. We had a massive thunderstorm pass through our area on the evening of Friday, April 17 complete […]

Quintana Spring Fling

by Carol Jones It is April and birders are anxiously awaiting the first big ‘fall out’ of spring migration. Sometimes due to adverse weather conditions, migrating birds are forced to […]