Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 26. Very strong northwest winds and overcast. 3 Greater Yellowlegs on exposed mud flats and 2 Roseate Spoonbills were treats. Bob Migrants 5 Northern Harriers 5 Sharp-shinned Hawks 2 Cooper’s Hawks 1 Merlin
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 24
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 24. Moderate east winds and overcast. Ended at noon because of
1 Northern Harrier
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 23
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 23. Sturdy southeast winds, overcast and slowwww. Bob
4 Northern Harriers
3 Sharp-shinned Hawks
2 Broad-winged Hawks
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 22
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 22. Strong east winds thru the day and no thermals and no rain. Bob Migrants 8 Northern Harrier 18 Sharp-shinned Hawks 8 Cooper’s Hawks 55 Broad-winged Hawks 2 American Kestrels 2 Peregrine Falcon 1 Mississippi Kite 2015 Smith Point YTD Black Vulture 31 Turkey Vulture 347 Osprey 66 Bald […]
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 21
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 21. Strong east winds thru the day and no thermals but stll some Broad-winds. Howard and Linda helped find birds. Bob Migrants 6 Northern Harrier 15 Sharp-shinned Hawks 7 Cooper’s Hawks 104 Broad-winged Hawks 2 American Kestrels 1 Merlin 1 Peregrine Falcon 1 Mississippi Kite
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 19
Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Oct 19. Moderate east winds that shifted to southeast at 1300. Fun to see one more Mississippi Kite. Bob Migrants 36 Turkey Vultures 6 Northern Harrier 18 Sharp-shinned Hawks 2 Cooper’s Hawks 71 Broad-winged Hawks 1 Swainson’s Hawks 2 White-tailed Hawks (2nd year) 6 American Kestrels 1 Mississippi Kite 2 […]
The Oystercatcher Diaries 2015: Field Week 10
By Susan Heath Tropical storm Bill changed all my monitoring plans. I had to reschedule the planned outing to West Galveston Bay from Monday, June 15 to Friday, June 19. […]
The Oystercatcher Diaries 2015: Field Week 9
By Susan Heath The season is winding down folks! On Monday I was joined by Alan Wilde, Tim Long, and Scott Buckel, all Galveston Bay Area Master Naturalists. We checked […]
The Oystercatcher Diaries 2015: Field Week 8
By Susan Heath This was a hard week. The tide is still super high and the oystercatchers are suffering because of it. On Monday I was joined by Alan Wilde […]
Herons of High Fashion
by Chris Eberly Herons and egrets have always been at the center of fashion. In the early 1900’s, they were killed by the thousands so their flashy breeding plumes could […]
The Oystercatcher Diaries 2015: Field Week 7
By Susan Heath I am not sure where to begin this week! On Monday I went out to West Galveston Bay and Swan Lake with Amanda Hackney (Audubon TX), Alan […]
The Oystercatcher Diaries 2015: Field Week 6
By Susan Heath Another field week has passed and there’s lots to tell. We had a massive thunderstorm pass through our area on the evening of Friday, April 17 complete […]