Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/20/20 (8 raptors)

Bob reports 8 migrating raptors today. Turkey Vulture 7 Northern Harrier 1 The wind was strong out of the SE today and there were lots of clouds. The Tree Swallows performed their morning swirl, about 2,000 of them and 42 Sandhill Cranes flew over. Winnie Burkett helped out today.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/19/20 (35 raptors)

Bob reports 35 migrating raptors today. Black Vulture 12 Turkey Vulture 20 Northern Harrier 1 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Red-tailed Hawk 1 The wind was strong out of the ESE all day. The Tree Swallows are still putting on a show and there was a lone Roseate Spoonbill to brighten up the day.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/18/20 (38 raptors)

Bob reports 38 migrating raptors today. Turkey Vulture 27 Osprey 1 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Broad-winged Hawk 4 Red-tailed Hawk 5 The winds were moderate out of the ENE in the morning but then switched to pretty strong E and didn’t let up. There were still a lot of swallows around and we had some visitor’s from Waco. Photo above is … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/17/20 (144 raptors)

John and Lynn Wright report 144 migrating raptors today. Turkey Vulture 134 Northern Harrier 3 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Bald Eagle 1 Red-tailed Hawk 5 Beautiful weather. There was sea fog or a smoke plume which lead to thousands of swallows resting on the ground early in the morning.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/16/20 (104 raptors)

Bob reports 104 migrating raptors today. Black Vulture 10 Turkey Vulture 62 Northern Harrier 3 Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Broad-winged Hawk 5 Swainson’s Hawk 2 Red-tailed Hawk 14 Peregrine Falcon 1 Blue sky all day with a stiff NE wind but the birds just didn’t materialize. Lots of geese and white pelicans. Joe Kennedy, Winnie Burkett, Dave Hanson, … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/15/20 (64 raptors)

Bob reports 64 migrating raptors today. Turkey Vulture 35 Northern Harrier 3 Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 Cooper’s Hawk 6 Bald Eagle 5 Broad-winged Hawk 2 Swainson’s Hawk 3 Red-tailed Hawk 5 American Kestrel 1 Peregrine Falcon 1 The front arrived around 9:00 and the wind was steady out of the northeast thereafter. 36 Sandhill Cranes, 400 Snow Geese, and 50 Franklin’s … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/14/20 (7 raptors)

Bob reports 7 migrating Northern Harriers today and that’s all. 200 Snow Goose, 1 frigatebird, and a feeding flock of brown and white pelicans, cormorants, terns, and mergansers right off the tower was the best show of the day.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/13/20 (13 raptors)

Bob reports 13 migrating raptors today. Northern Harrier 5 Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Broad-winged Hawk 6 The wind was east to east southeast all day. The Western Academy 5th graders returned for another day at the watch. One female Black-chinned Hummingbird, six Sandhill Cranes, and a large raft of scaup added to the birds for the day. Linda … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/12/20 (7 raptors)

Bob reports 7 migrating raptors today. Northern Harrier 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Red-tailed Hawk 2 The wind started out east went to east southeast and eventually switched to southeast. A flock of 95 Red-breasted Mergansers feeding right off the tower was a nice diversion. Also a single frigatebird and two Sandhill Cranes.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/11/20 (76 raptors)

Bob reports 76 migrating raptors today. Black Vulture 5 Turkey Vulture 36 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 8 Sharp-shinned Hawk 8 Cooper’s Hawk 5 Broad-winged Hawk 5 Red-tailed Hawk 5 American Kestrel 3 The wind was out of the north and the skies were clear which made for a good day. Other species included 530 American White Pelicans, 230 Franklin’s Gulls, … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/9/20 (7 raptors)

Bob reports 7 migrating raptors today. Black Vulture 4 Northern Harrier 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 Red-tailed Hawk 1 It was foggy for the first hour and the winds were east to southeast all day. Four Sandhill Cranes flew over and some dolphins put on a show out in the bay.