Oystercatcher Diaries 2016: Field Week 4

By Susan Heath I made another round of West Galveston Bay on Wednesday, April 6th. I was joined by John Wright who chauffeured us in his boat along with Scott Buckel and Debbie Repasz. We started in Jones Bay checking on the two pairs that have chicks there. The wind was really blowing so the chicks were all hidden in … Read More

Beach Nesting Birds Project 2016: Update 1

By Susan Heath We kicked off our Beach Nesting Birds project this week! This year we are fortunate to be joining Houston Audubon and the Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program monitoring nesting Wilson’s Plovers through an American Bird Conservancy grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Our shorebird technician, Amanda Anderson, will be monitoring nesting Wilson’s Plovers at … Read More

The Oystercatcher Diaries 2016: Entry 3

By Susan Heath I can’t believe that March is coming to a close but that it is and the oystercatcher breeding season is in full swing. I was going to build up to it but I just can’t hold it in. We’ve got chicks folks! We headed out from Tim Long’s dock to check on the pairs in Jones Bay. … Read More

The Oystercatcher Diaries 2016: Entry 2

By Susan Heath On March 11 I made another round of West Galveston Bay with Alan Wilde, Chuck Snyder, and John Wright. John took us out on his boat and again it was a sweet ride! John did a great job chauffeuring us around to the different locations. Last time we found six nests and Alan found an additional one … Read More

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 15

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 15. Moderate northeast wind shifted to east midday. The last day, always a little sad but you know it is the right time to wrap it up. This is a wonderful site to hawkwatch and to enjoy the species richness of all the other flying creatures. Thanks to all […]

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 14

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 14. Moderate northeast winds with healthy gusts shifted to strong east winds around 1000. Joe Kennedy and Jana and John Whittle helped with the count. Bob Migrants 28 Turkey Vultures 1 Osprey 2 Northern Harriers 1 Sharp-shinned Hawks 2 Cooper’s Hawks 2 Broad-winged Hawks 3 Red-tailed Hawks 4 Swainson’s […]

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 13

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 13. Moderate northeast winds with healthy gusts shifted to easterly around 1100. Bob Migrants 24 Turkey Vultures 6 Northern Harriers 4 Sharp-shinned Hawks 5 Cooper’s Hawks 7 Broad-winged Hawks 3 Red-tailed Hawks 3 Swainson’s Hawks 2015 Smith Point YTD Black Vulture 117 Turkey Vulture 1086 Osprey 71 Bald Eagle […]

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 12

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 12. Light north winds got stronger in the second hour and the overcast started breaking around noon. Mixing in with the overcast were lots and lots of American Robins, some Eastern Bluebirds and balls of Franklin’s Gulls. A good show. An adult White-tailed Hawk gave us all wonderful views. […]

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 11

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 11. Strong south winds all day an overcast from noon on. Few birds of any kind were up in the air. Tad Finnell had 161birds yesterday with nice diversity including a Bald Eagle. Bob Migrants 4 Northern Harriers 1 Sharp-shinned Hawks 2 Peregrine Falcons 2015 Smith Point YTD Black […]

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 9

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 9. Light north winds in the first 3 hours, shifting to south and then west. Migration slowed with the wind shift but lots of White Pelicans moved all day. Bob Migrants 11 Black Vulture 122 Turkey Vultures 11 Northern Harriers 2 Sharp-shinned Hawks 7 Cooper’s Hawks 12 Broad-winged Hawks […]

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 8

Smith Point Hawkwatch report for Nov 8. Strong north winds turned moderate midday. The front brought Snow Geese, a Ross’s Goose, a Golden Eagle and nice late season buteos. Joel, William, Tom and Hank helped spot birds. A fun day. Bob Migrants 13 Black Vulture 136 Turkey Vultures 11 Northern Harriers 12 Sharp-shinned Hawks 12 […]