Bob reports one migrating Broad-winged Hawk today. That’s it folks!
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/20/20 (426 raptors)
Bob reports 426 migrating raptors today. Mississippi Kite 406 Broad-winged Hawk 10 Swainson’s Hawk 10 Mostly southeast winds but with a mild shift to the north for an hour and a half some birds showed up! John Whittle helped out today.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/19/20 (736 raptors)
Bob reports 736 migrating raptors today. Swallow-tailed Kite 15 Mississippi Kite 605 Cooper’s Hawk 2 Broad-winged Hawk 106 Swainson’s Hawk 8 Mostly north winds brought some birds! Sara Harrison and Linda Hoffman helped out today.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/18/20 (1584 raptors)
Bob reports 1584 migrating raptors today. Swallow-tailed Kite 19 Mississippi Kite 1471 Cooper’s Hawk 8 White-tailed Hawk 1 subadult Broad-winged Hawk 60 Swainson’s Hawk 24 Peregrine Falcon 1 Marvin Masters helped out today. Abundant swallows, mostly cliff and gobs of dragonflies.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/17/20 (102 raptors)
Bob reports 102 raptors today. Osprey 1 Swallow-tailed Kite 6 Mississippi Kite 23 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Broad-winged Hawk 47 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Overcast skies that broke up midday. Early wind from the east that switched to the northwest. Jana Whittle and Linda Hoffman helped out today.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/16/20 (80 raptors)
Swallow-tailed Kite 19 Mississippi Kite 12 Cooper’s Hawk 6 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Broad-winged Hawk 31 Swainson’s Hawk 10 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Sara Harrison helped out today. Thanks Sara!
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/15/20 (12 raptors)
It’s time!!!! The hawk watch started today. Cooper’s Hawk 1 Broad-winged Hawk 7 Swainson’s Hawk 3 Mississippi Kite 1 The highlight of the day was a Pileated Woodpecker. Rare at Smith Point! Joe Kennedy, Sarah Harrison, and Dave Hanson helped out today. Thanks everyone!
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/30/19 (2 raptors)
Bob reports one migrating Peregrine Falcon and one migrating Sharp-shinned Hawk today. Today is the official end of the season at Smith Point! Marvin Masters and Sara Harrison helped out today. I’d like to acknowledge all of our volunteers though. Thank you Craig Geoffroy, Jim Peterson, Joe Kennedy, John Whittle, Justin Bosler, Linda Hoffman, Lynn Wright, Marcy Brown, Mark Swanson, … Read More
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/29/19 (1 raptor)
Bob reports one migrating raptor today. A lone Cooper’s Hawk. That’s all!
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/28/19 (2 raptors)
Bob reports 2 migrating Northern Harriers today and that is all! 3100 cormorants fly by though. That’s a lot of cormorants! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Only two days left although Bob says he may do part of Sunday since he and Sue aren’t leaving until Monday.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/27/19 (79 raptors)
Bob reports 79 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 2 Red-tailed Hawk 27 White-tailed Hawk 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Turkey Vulture 28 Black Vulture 9 Northern Harrier 5 Bald Eagle 1 Golden Eagle 2 (both young birds) Finally a Golden Eagle! Was expecting them any day now. They always come late in the season on a nice north … Read More
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/26/19 (8 raptors)
Tad reports 8 migrating raptors today. Red-tailed Hawk 1 American Kestrel 1 Northern Harrier 1 Turkey Vulture 5 Strong southerly winds with overcast skies and potential for rain may have kept the birds away. A flock of 60 white pelicans was about the only thing else seen other than periodic flyby passerines and lots of swallows.