Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/7/18 (0 raptors)

Bob reports no migrating raptors today. He was entertained by 28 white pelicans (first of the season), 6 Wood Storks and one local Cooper’s Hawk. Sara Harrison stopped by to say hello – thanks Sara!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/6/18 (11 raptors)

Bob reports 11 migrating raptors today including our first Swallow-tailed Kites of the season! Broad-winged Hawk 1 Mississippi Kite 8 Swallow-tailed Kite 2 Bob says the clouds were awesome. There were also 12 frigatebirds. Martin and Sara Harrison volunteered today. Thanks guys!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/5/18 (0 raptors)

Bob reports no migrating raptors today. The only raptor he saw one a single local Cooper’s Hawk. It has to get better right?! He was entertained by five Magnificent Frigatebirds, four Wood Storks, and a lot of White Ibis flying to and fro.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/4/18 (2 raptors)

Joe reports only two migrating raptors today. They were both Cooper’s Hawks. Some impressive thunderstorm activity with 4 funnels trying to reach the water made for some good entertainment. The first Olive-sided Flycatcher of the season put in an appearance and some Upland Sandpipers passed overhead. Only a taste of things to come! Thanks Joe.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/3/18 (8 raptors)

Bob reports  8 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 7 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Also 5 Magnificent Frigatebirds and 2 Neotropic Cormorants. Thanks for your help Marvin!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/2/18 (9 raptors)

Bob reports 9 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 4 Swainson’s Hawk 4 Mississippi Kite 1 Also 13 Wood Storks, 2 adult White-tailed Hawks, an immature Red-shouldered Hawk, and an immature Cooper’s Hawk. Thanks for helping today Sara!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/1/18 (7 raptors)

Welcome hawk watch fans! On this hot, hot first day of the count Bob reported 7 birds. Broad-winged Hawk  5 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Mississippi Kite 1 Also 3 Magnificent Frigatebirds, 37 Wood Storks, 31 Anhingas, 50 Black Terns in a feeding flock and 3 Orchard Orioles. Woohoo! It has begun.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/15/17 (59 raptors)

Bob reports 59 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 15 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 6 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Turkey Vulture 14 Black Vulture 15 American Kestrel 1 Peregrine Falcon 1 Northern Harrier 3 Lots of white pelicans today and a few cranes. And on this last day of the hawk watch, the Tern-billed Dipper showed up! See the GCBO Facebook … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/14/17 (94 raptors)

Bob reports 94 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 45 Red-tailed Hawk 2 Swainson’s Hawk 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Turkey Vulture 32 Northern Harrier 6 Bald Eagle 2 One adult Bald Eagle and one third year. Lots of pelicans and cranes. Tomorrow is the last day of the hawk watch! Come out and say goodbye to Bob!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/13/17 (148 raptors)

Bob reports 148 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 77 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 5 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Turkey Vulture 53 American Kestrel 1 Northern Harrier 8 Lots and lots of American White Pelicans, some Sandhill Cranes, and lots of geese.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/12/17 (67 raptors)

Bob reports 67 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 11 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp 19 Cooper’s Hawk 4 Turkey Vulture 14 American Kestrel 1 Northern Harrier 16 The Harris’s Hawk is still hanging around. Lots of American White Pelicans and a calling Common Loon.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/11/17 (259 raptors)

Bob reports 259 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 51 Red-tailed Hawk 9 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 16 Cooper’s Hawk 9 Turkey Vulture 147 American Kestrel 7 Peregrine Falcon 1 osprey 1 Northern Harrier 10 Golden Eagle 1 Bald Eagle 6 Golden Eagle had no w hite on tail or wings. Two adult Bald Eagles among the mix. Harris’s Hawk … Read More