Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/11/17 (3948 raptors)

Broad-winged Hawk Kettle (9/19/09) © Joe Kennedy

Great day finally! Broad-winged Hawk 3898 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Mississippi Kite 39 Swallow-tailed Kite 1 Northern Harrier 5 Also lots of passerine migration happening.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/10/17 (141 raptors)

Bob reports 141 birds: Broad-tailed Hawk 43 Swainson’s Hawk 4 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Mississippi Kite 89 Swallow-tailed Kite 1 Merlin 1 Many Mississippi Kites flying close to tower eating dragonflies.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/9/17 (161 raptors)

Another good day at the point! Broad-winged Hawk 31 Red-tailed Hawk 2 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 White-tailed Hawk 1 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Mississippi Kite 115 American Kestrel 1 Peregrine Falcon 2 Osprey 2 Northern Harrier 3 Another good day with our first kestrels and Peregrine Falcons of the season. It’s only going to get better from here on out. A Pileated … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/7/17 (37 raptors)

Despite the north winds Bob reported on 37 birds. What gives! Broad-winged Hawk 24 White-tailed Hawk 1 Cooper’s Hawk 4 Mississippi Kite 3 Swallow-tailed Kite 1 White-tailed Kite 1 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 2 The female Black-chinned Hummingbird is still present!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/6/17 (62 raptors)

Bob reports 62 birds today. With the cold front tomorrow will probably be better! Broad-winged Hawk 37 Cooper’s Hawk 2 Mississippi Kite 22 Swallow-tailed Kite 1 Also a female Black-chinned Hummingbird, a beautiful young White-tailed Hawk, lots of White Ibis and 170 Anhinga.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/5/17 (29 raptors)

Bob reports 29 birds: Broad-winged Hawk 9 Red-tailed Hawk 2 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Cooper’s Hawk 5 Mississippi Kite 7 Swallow-tailed Kite 1 Osprey 2 Northern Harrier 1 Harris’s Hawk 1 The Harris’s Hawk was a beautiful adult!

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/4/17 (22 raptors)

Bob reports: Broad-winged Hawk 8 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Mississippi Kite 8 Swallow-tailed Kite 3 Also a very handsome Blue Grosbeak. Bob’s trailer is getting hauled back today! Things are looking up.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/3/17 (30 raptors)

Bob reports 30 migrating raptors today: Broad-winged Hawk 6 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Cooper’s Hawk 3 Mississippi Kite 15 Swallow-tailed Kite 2 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 2 A single flock of 15 Anhingas came by and only 2 Magnificent Frigatebirds. Where did they all go?

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/2/17 (36 raptors)

Bob is back in action! Broad-winged Hawk 17 Swainson’s Hawk 2 Cooper’s Hawk 2 Mississippi Kite 10 Swallow-tailed Kite 5 Also a lone white pelican and lots of swallows. The roads from Winnie are still impassable but the water is mostly down over Double Bayou from Hankamer.

Smith Point Hawk Watch 9/1/17 (17 raptors)

Hello all, For the first time in a week Bob was able to get to Smith Point but not without the aid of a high clearance truck (thanks Dave!). There is still water over road at Double Bayou and also along FM 1985 east of Pear Orchard Road. In an hour and 15 minutes, the following were counted: Broad-winged Hawk … Read More

Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/24/17 (7 raptors)

Bob reports: Broad-winged Hawk 2 Swainson’s Hawk 2 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Mississippi Kite 1 Osprey 1 Also 52 Wood Storks was nice and a lone American White Pelican. Bob reports the species of the day was love bugs! Due to Harvey, the hawk watch is suspended until the weather clears. We had to move the trailer that Bob was living … Read More