Bob reports 3 Swainson’s Hawks and 2 Swallow-tailed Kites migrating today. Local birds included one Cooper’s Hawk and one White-tailed Hawk. South winds hampered the flight again.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/9/17 (1 raptor)
Bob reports only one migrating hawk today, a Swainson’s Hawk. Local birds included a White-tailed Hawk and a Cooper’s Hawk. Persistent south winds with some rain retarded the flight again today.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/8/17 (0 raptors)
Bob reports a low overcast day with rain later in the day. Locals included a Cooper’s Hawk and a Crested Caracara. Hopefully things will pick up soon!
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/7/17 (2 raptors)
Bob reports 2 Swallow-tailed Kites as the only migrants today. The birds of the day were five Black Terns that cruised by early in the morning. Strong south winds retarded the flight again today.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/6/17 (0 raptors)
Bob got rained out today and had strong south winds which impeded the flight.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/5/17 (1 raptor)
Joe manned the count today and reports one migrating raptor – a female American Kestrel which beat the early record by a week. Locals included 1 Swainson’s Hawk, 1 Osprey and 1 immature Red-shouldered Hawk. There were good numbers of white ibis and the gnatcatcher show began with a few passing by the tower. About 25 frigatebirds came by along … Read More
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/4/17 (3 raptors)
Bob reports 3 migrating raptors today. Broad-winged Hawk 1 Swainson’s Hakw 1 Mississippi Kite 1 Also a cool Pileated Woodpecker and a beautiful adult White-tailed Hawk and a juvenile White-tailed Hawk for comparison.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/3/17 (17 raptors)
Bob reports a good day with multiple migrants! Swainson’s Hawk 2 Cooper’s Hawk 1 Swallow-tailed Kite 14 (nice!) Also a group of 13 Roseate Spoonbills and 31 Wood Storks. Come on out to the point and check things out!
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/2/17 (1 raptor)
Bob reports 1 migrating Peregrine Falcon today. He also had a single Purple Martin. The best news is that he got to go see the Jabiru that has been on Pear Orchard Road near Anahuac NWR. Now he awaits it’s passage by Smith Point!
Smith Point Hawk Watch 8/1/17 (1 raptor)
It’s time folks! The hawk watch is up and running as of today. Bob is back because he just can’t get enough of the Texas heat (and the frigatebirds and the broad-wings and the… well you get the drift). Just one migrant today, a single Red-shouldered Hawk but Bob was entertained by 16 Magnificent Frigatebirds at once and some local … Read More
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/15/16 (148 raptors)
Well that’s a wrap folks. The last day of the hawk watch was today. Bob, Tad, Joe and I had nice day enjoying the last of the birds for this year’s total. Seems like we should keep going a bit since we had so many birds today but alas, it is not to be. We waited all day in vain … Read More
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/14/16 (84 raptors)
It’s slowing down folks. Tomorrow is the last day of the hawk watch! Bob enjoyed watching some shorebirds mucking about in the mud today and an adult Bald Eagle is always a treat. Broad-winged Hawk 11 Red-tailed Hawk 1 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 Cooper’s Hawk 2 Turkey Vulture 52 Northern Harrier 12 Bald Eagle 1