An overcast day without a lot of activity. Bob reports lots of robins and some close loons in the bay. Broad-winged Hawk 10 Red-tailed Hawk 4 Swainson’s Hawk 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 Cooper’s Hawk 1 American Kestrel 1 Northern Harrier 3
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/11/16 (224 raptors)
A great day with a non-migrating adult Bald Eagle, lots of Sandhill Cranes, and over 1000 Greater White-fronted Geese. This is the last weekend of the hawk watch (it ends next Tuesday) so if you haven’t gotten your fix you better go visit Bob this weekend! Broad-winged Hawk 45 Red-tailed Hawk 11 Swainson’s Hawk 9 Red-shouldered Hawk 1 White-tailed Hawk … Read More
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/10/16 (148 raptors)
Bob reports no birds of note but decent raptors Broad-winged Hawk 31 Red-tailed Hawk 2 Swainson’s Hawk 6 Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 Cooper’s Hawk 4 Turkey Vulture 90 Black Vulture 2 American Kestrel 1 Merlin 1 Northern Harrier 8
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/9/16 (133 raptors)
Tad reports a weird weather day with north winds all day but constantly changing skies. Birds of the day were seven Snow Geese that flew low over the tower very early. Broad-winged Hawk 23 Red-tailed Hawk 2 Swainson’s Hawk 6 Sharp-shinned Hawk 12 Cooper’s Hawk 22 Turkey Vulture 57 American Kestrel 2 Merlin 1 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 6 White-tailed … Read More
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/8/16 (3 raptors)
A foggy and overcast day with little bird movement. American Kestrel 1 Northern Harrier 2
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/7/16 (52 raptors)
Another slow day but not as bad as yesterday! Broad-winged Hawk 8 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 8 Cooper’s Hawk 4 Turkey Vulture 8 American Kestrel 5 Peregrine Falcon 2 Northern Harrier 16
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/6/16 (9 raptors)
A very slow day with lots of cloud cover and some rain. The bird of the day was a Common Loon. American Kestrel 1 Northern Harrier 8
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/5/16 (184 raptors)
A pretty good day with lots more white-fronted geese and the first Sandhill Cranes of the season (3). Broad-winged Hawk 39 Red-tailed Hawk 9 Swainson’s Hawk 12 White-tailed Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 8 Cooper’s Hawk 12 Turkey Vulture 80 Black Vulture 6 American Kestrel 2 Peregrine Falcon 2 Merlin 1 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 10 White-tailed Kite 1
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/4/16 (141 raptors)
A great day. Lots of waterfowl moving through and the bird of the day, an adult Ferruginous Hawk! Broad-winged Hawk 11 Red-tailed Hawk 3 Swainson’s Hawk 2 Sharp-shinned Hawk 4 Cooper’s Hawk 7 Turkey Vulture 96 Black Vulture 5 American Kestrel 3 Peregrine Falcon 1 Merlin 1 Northern Harrier 7 Photo by Jason Bojczyk from 2011.
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/3/2016 (35 raptors)
Really slow day today! Broad-winged Hawk 4 Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 Cooper’s Hawk 2 Turkey Vulture 20 Northern Harrier 7
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/2/16 (186 raptors)
The vulture are coming through now! Bird of the day was a lone Wood Stork hanging with said vultures. Broad-winged Hawk 7 Red-tailed Hawk 1 White-tailed Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 Cooper’s Hawk 2 Turkey Vulture 132 Black Vulture 29 American Kestrel 3 Northern Harrier 10
Smith Point Hawk Watch 11/1/16 (86 raptors)
A rather dull day! Things are winding down I’m afraid. Beware these cold fronts late in the season though. They will bring the waterfowl and maybe a Golden Eagle! Broad-winged Hawk 11 Swainson’s Hawk 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 3 Cooper’s Hawk 2 Turkey Vulture 50 Black Vulture 11 Osprey 1 Northern Harrier 7