GCBO could not do what it does without the hard work and dedication of its many volunteers. From rebuilding our field house after Hurricane Harvey to assisting our field biologists in their surveys, our volunteers enable us to put our focus where it matters: the birds.
If you’re interested in helping, please email Celeste Silling at csilling@gcbo.org or sign up to receive our monthly emails about upcoming volunteer opportunities!
Volunteer Email Signup Here
Volunteer Needs
SPLASh hosts monthly beach cleanups in the Houston/Galveston area. We need volunteers to help us pick up trash and collect trash data. We encourage our cleanup volunteers to bring family and friends to help out and join in the fun! Check our social media, enews, or the SPLASh website to see when and where our next cleanup will be held. We also host private cleanups for groups like schools, churches, or workers, so contact us to set that up.
- Spring Fling volunteers:
If you like birding and feel like sharing your passion with others, there is no better way than volunteering at our Spring Fling event from April 8- May 7 2023. Every day throughout the celebration, four volunteers are needed at our Quintana Neotropical Bird Sanctuary. Quintana is a hot spot for migrating birds and a hub for birders! Volunteers are needed to man our store, help visitors, and identify species.
- GCBO hosted Events:
Like to help out at occasional events and have a good time? We host several annual events that require a lot of people power to pull off successfully. Why not join the fun?! Events include Summer Bird Camp, Xtreme Hummingbird Xtravaganza, and Brew on the Bayou!
Looking for a project for your group? We’re in need of a few local/community groups to adopt a flower bed around the headquarters building. These groups come out once a month or more and weed, water, tend to plants, etc.
- Native Plant Nursery:
Do you have a green thumb? Our native plant nursery needs a steady group of volunteers to help keep it thriving.